Friday, June 3, 2011

Holy Guac

It's June already?!  Where the hell did April and May go?
I'm exhausted just trying to think of the last few months.
As you may have noticed, I haven't been posting many pics of the casa lately.  Mainly due to the fact that even though we complete (what feels like a big) project it really doesn't make that big of a difference in the entire scheme of things.  BUT this past month, we've really been making progress and it feels good.  We've got plants on the patio, paint on most of the walls, new furniture and wood on the floors!  I still don't have fully complete pictures, because the place is far from fully complete... but hey, it's getting there!
Here are a few photos of our progress:

New TV console via IKEA
(I swore I'd never buy furniture there ever again, but these lockers were perfect and exactly what we wanted and stayed within budget.)  Notice floors are still cement in this picture.

James and trusty Levi pulled up all the old Pergo flooring on the second floor.

 Our lovely relaxing Memorial Day weekend was spent with Ricardo, laying down this beautiful wood!  First and second floors are complete!  We'll conquer the 3rd floor in July.

 Living in a cluster for several days... can make a cranky family.  That's for sure.  This here is my dining room.  But it's done now, so we're back to normal (whatever that is).