Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm learning....

Ok, so I saw this new faux bois finish and I really wanted to try it out. During the project I learned a few things.

1. Start small, maybe the living room coffee table wasn't the best piece to practice on.
2. It's hard doing projects like this on the roof-top of the apartment parking garage.
3. Texas summers make paint dry too fast. The paint was seriously starting to dry before I finished the stroke of the brush.
4. When applying a modern finish, maybe go for a more traditional table style.
5. Make sure your paint brush is small enough to fit in the paint can.

Although I like the finish, I'm not too sure I should have done it on this table. The top is split in two and totally ruins the effect of the faux finish. The table style is too modern, a few curves would add a lot. And finally.... in the words of my husband, "It kind of looks like you just painted a cheap Ikea table." Which I replied, "I did."

Oh well, you live and you learn.