Friday, March 20, 2009


Last night James, Levi (our good friend) and I signed up for a co-ed intramural kick-ball league. We figure it would be a great way to get outdoors, get some exercise and make some new friends. We start playing in a few weeks. I'm really ready to get out and have some fun, but the idea of kick-ball brings back some pretty vivid moments in my childhood.
.... It all goes back to a black asphalt parking lot in the middle of "the hood" in Gainesville. Every year my class was divided into two teams, The Roman and The Philippians (it was a Catholic school). We set the field on the asphalt (and I wonder why I have so many scars on my knees) and the game began! Our PE teacher happened to be a nun with only one arm, she was perfect for the position and was always the pitcher, constantly trying to protect herself against line-drives. There were never any 'outs', we were always "Christian SAFE!". Which I figured out later in life doesn't apply to the rest of the world. It was good clean fun, always ending with a race to the water fountain where you were given 3 seconds to get the appropriate hydration.
I'm ready for KICK-BALL season!


Unknown said...

This is HILARIOUS...I'm getting some awesome mental pictures! (especially the nun w/o the arm)

G-ma said...

wow!! Good times!!!

Anonymous said...

Mommy was laughing her head off. She totally knows what you are talking about! said...

With an upbringing like that you had better win the entire kick ball league. Your stories crack me up!