Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We Welcome 2009 with Open ARMS!

Well, at least we can say 2008 wasn't boring. As we kick this year out the door, I'd like to do a Lynn time warp (cue wavy blurry eyesight) recapping the year that was.....

5 different jobs (We will have a total of 6 W2 forms... yikes!)
1 trip to Pine Apple, Alabama
20 lbs gained
1 new blog
2 friends who lost a parent
233 worried sighs
1 recession
2 different addresses
422 laughs
1 resting grandparent
13 rats, at least those are the dead ones.
116 bottles of wine
1 first anniversary
1 call to 911 (backyard fire)
1,000,000 neatos

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What an Inspiration!

Although I am far from living a totally "Green" lifestyle, I do try to take responsibility for my foot print here on Earth. Mainly because over the past few years I've come to really appreciate nature as my place of peace and relaxation and realized that one person can truly make a difference. I've sworn off aerosol hairspray, use non-toxic cleaning tools, and done away with the plastic grocery bags. I've even managed to get James to recycle his beer cans and my mom to ditch her plastic water bottles.
But I am NOTHING compared to this guy. The article follows one family on their quest to eliminate garbage in their household for an entire year! Wow.
It's very interesting, please take the time to read it, and you will be blown away with his dedication to our great Mother Earth.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Send me an Angel

Today, along with all other Remington Hospitality employees, I went to work at the Salvation Army toy warehouse. My task was to pass the bag of goodies to the rightful parent or guardian. I wish I could say it was moving and heartfelt, a time that made me feel like a better person, but it wasn't. I wish I could say that I can't wait to go back and help next year, but I'd rather not. I was incredibly conflicted with what I experienced today. There were a handful of very appreciative families, who's tearful eyes and humble clothing made me thankful that I could help in such a small way. But then there were others, (a large majority of the group) who's clothing were nicer than mine and attitudes were far from grateful.

There were a few ladies that especially caught my attention. They were dressed to the 9's and their nails were out of this world. I came back to the office and did a little research. A set of psychedelic nails cost around $75. Huh, I wonder how many baby toys you could buy with $75? Due to my recent situation, I've come to CLEARLY realize the buying power of a dollar, and I definitely know that $75 would make an amazing Christmas for a child.

I know, I know, I'm jaded and it's Christmas and it's suppose to be all about the children, bla bla bla. It's not their fault their parents can't prioritize. BUT, what would happen if those parents were denied gifts to give their children at Christmas? Do you think they would maybe try to do something, maybe give up their fabulous nails for a month? And those children that are old enough to know better, what type of message are we sending them?

I know this isn't the message the Salvation Army is trying to send, but it was loud and clear today. I guess with the headlines constantly reading, "Bail-outs!", everyone's trying to get a piece of the pie.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mental math is finally making some sense.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus!

I read about this book on CNN, it's hilarious! Scared of Santa by Denise Joyce and Nancy Watkins. Makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who finds it a little suspicious to have a creepy old man, who knows everything I've done, break into my house. These kids aren't stupid.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A New Way to Hitchhike

I love carpooling, you can ask Sarah.

I ran across this website today and I thought it was genius.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tina Tina

I totally want to be her when I grow-up.

I Got a Mattress!

I got a mattress, I got a mattress, I got a mattress, hey, hey, hey, hey!

For Christmas I asked for a mattress and today I finally ordered it! (I'm certain that excitement over a new mattress definitely means you're old) After inflating our old Sleep Number mattress over, and over, and over again; I finally broke down and ask for a new one. Thanks to my job and connection with so many hotels, I was able to get a fabulous one at a third of the cost! Yahoo!! Thanks for the Christmas present Kathy & Clark!
It's the little things that really make you happy these days!

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Official

After sitting in a meeting this afternoon during which half of my department was laid-off, all I could think was, ''please don't faint, please don't faint.'' This 'official' recession has officially hit Remington Hotels. Those of us who are incredibly lucky to stay here are on a salary freeze, won't be having a Christmas party, will be learning new positions and most likely will have to turn in all blackberries and cell phones.
Although today was not a happy one in my office, I must give kudos to my employers who handled such a sticky situation so well. The decisions made were not personal, were not based on performance and the package given in severance is pretty amazing. I've witnessed the same situation handled completely opposite and it wasn't pretty. Even though moral is lower than normal, no one feels their incompetence or personality got them in this situation.

I'm lucky right now.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Although it's a little earlier than usual, James and I went and bought our Christmas tree!  It's just a little tree, but it's a perfect fit here in the apartment.  Look at all those presents already!! Ho, Ho, Ho!!!

26 YEARS OLD, damn.

Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes!  It was a wonderful day and a good way to start off a new year!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hooray for James!

As many of you know for the past two months James has been included in the fast growing number of unemployed. But as of last night, he is back in the working world! He accepted an offer from Todd Events and starts work on Monday. He will be working as a production manager for events around the metroplex, as well as the possibility of travel.

I have to admit, living as a single income family is not easy, even without kiddos. I now understand how money becomes the root of many relationship problems and takes a strong hold on how you view your self value. I hate it, but I am human and also American, so it's incredibly hard to ignore. It has definitely opened my eyes to the small luxuries I have taken for granted and the ridiculous materialistic items that waste my time and money. Our families and friends have been a major source of support during these hectic times and we are so thankful. Whether it was 48 rolls of toilet paper, 50 lbs of ground beef, a bottle of wine or gift cards for cleaning supplies; we never even asked and you were there.

Although I am relieved that this uncomfortable period for James and I is coming to end, especially in time for the holidays, I pray that I don't forget all I've learned. Hopefully life's lessons stick with me a little bit better than college accounting. And if I do forget, you have full permission to give me a quick swift kick to the

The Parkers

How Much Do We Miss These People?  A Whole Hell of A Lot.
Please come back to Dallas, please?

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I think we've finally figured out "what" Gussy is... a border collie/black labrador mix.  They call them a hybrid breed, but I think the more appropriate term for Gus is mutt.  I still stand beside the fact that he is 50% dog, 50% dinosaur and 50% pony; making the most perfect house pet ever.  Can you tell which photos are Gussy and which are pure-breed Boradors?

Monday, November 17, 2008

1 year ago today.... I became a wife.

Today is James and I's one year wedding anniversary.  
Thinking back to that amazing day brings a smile to my face.  James sent me flowers and took me to lunch, then once I got home he had remade our wedding dinner with pumpkin soup, stuffed chicken and of course our own wedding cake.  Needless to say, the dinner was amazing, but the cake.... uh not so much.  
What a year though, I couldn't have asked for a better teammate for this roller coaster of life we've been on.  
I love you James.  


This weekend James and I had the PLEASURE of the company of Oliver Elgin.  He stayed for the weekend and entertained us immensely.  Ollie is a 4 month old Wheaton Terrier and looks like a huge cuddly teddy bear.  The only problem, he's got more energy than a lighting bug and doesn't really like to "cuddle".  He tried repeatedly to become Gussy new BFF, but Gus just really wasn't in to it.  Come back soon Ollie (maybe when you are a little more potty trained)!

Souza-Fairchild Wedding

This weekend James and I headed up to OKC for a wedding of some of our old college pals; Kellie and Josh. It was so nice to see everyone, many of which we haven't seen in so long. It was a beautiful traditional Catholic wedding with a great party afterwards, including green cotton candy! Here's a picture of all active IDK members (a secret society of OSU ID students) and our club mascot, Theodore Drab (our most favorite prof). Ohhh, Teddy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thesis: The Economy Crisis and it's Effects on Squirrels

I had a total epiphany last night as James and I were finishing things up at the house. There are no pecans or acorns this year on our trees. Last year there were so many we had enough to give away and decorate a wedding. But this year, there are none, zip, zero. No wonder the squirrels skinned our Halloween pumpkins clean. This whole time I was wishing death upon their swollen bellies, when they were really just trying to build up to survive the winter. I'm sorry squirrels. Please accept this public apology.
PS: I think this would be a great thesis or doctrine for a graduate student, feel free to steal my idea (as long as you site my blog). Although, my bro-in-law, a REAL doc, may disagree.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So Long, Fare Well.

Today we say good-bye to our first home as the Lynns. It was a good one; cold and rat infested; but good. It witnessed a lot of laughter, tears, arguments and love. So adios Ridgedale. It's been fun, but we're moving up and moving out.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I am Thankful

During this time of nuttiness, I have to constantly remind myself that I really don't have it that bad. It could be worse and it has. So here are 5 things I am very grateful for.
1. My husband and his calmness through-out all the chaos, especially when I freak out.
2. My dryer works.
3. I have a really good job and I am not in major jeopardy of being fired, again.
4. Big K soda taste so much like Diet Coke and is half the price.
5. I haven't seen a rat in almost a month.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Artist Way

Here is a picture of our new home, Artist Way. We move in Friday. (It's a Google Map image, so it's not the greatest, but it gives the idea.) It's a two story apartment in Addison, which is very close to my work. James, Gus and I have swallowed our pride and are moving to a master planned community in the suburbs (Addison). Times are tough, but I think it's going to work out well.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Check out the cutest little trick-or-treater ever! ELMO!

Friday, October 31, 2008


I'm pretty much addicted to this website. http://www.etsy.com

Thursday, October 30, 2008


You know how birds can explode when they eat too much rice.  I'm hoping the same goes for squirrels and pumpkins.  


Two Sick Boys

I've got too sick boys at my house right now.  One with a corneal abrasion and the other with abnormal bleeding.  Both are pathetic.

Work Schmurk

I'd like to give a shout out to all the unemployed out there. I know what you're feeling. But just remember the Fleitman family motto:
Don't Let the Bastards Get You Down!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I am part of a volunteering group called N2Books. It's the best way to volunteer when you travel a lot or you can't commit due to your schedule. Basically, an adult gets paired with a 3rd-5th grader during the school year; you read books together and then discuss via email. Andrew, my reading buddy, selected The Naked Mole-Rat Letters for us to read this month. As many of you know, James and I have had our fair share of rats this year. So I find it fitting that he picked this book. Thanks Andrew! As though I didn't know enough about your favorite animal!

Presidential Election

I'm so ready for this election to be determined and done with! Everyday when I eat lunch in the cafeteria at work the TV is always blaring CNN. Bla bla Obama; bla bla McCain....bla bla bla. It's not that I don't care, I just feel that the media has totally taken everything to the next level. I understand this is a historic election and the outcome will change our country tremendously. I get it. I'm just not sure the cost of Palin's jacket is really what I'm interested in. I need some unbiased facts, that's all.
I plan to go and vote tomorrow, (my third attempt to conquer the ridiculous lines).

Sunday, October 26, 2008

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, you damn squirrels.

Last Friday, James and I went to a pumpkin carving party at the Elgin's.  We carved two pumpkins, one in the shape of OSU and the other, a silhouette of Pistol Pete, (the artist of the two).  Well, we had a great time and brought our two pumpkins back to Ridgedale to show off to the neighborhood.  The next morning we went outside to do errands and noticed the squirrels had eaten HOLES in our pumpkins!  They took the lids too!  So here are our two deformed pumpkins, which are only getting worse as we speak.  By Halloween, I expect nothing but a couple of bowls and a bunch of fat squirrels.

So James Decided We Needed to Blog

So James said, "Why don't you blog, like the rest of your friends?"  
"Because I'm not as exciting as they are, I don't have anything to blog about."  
"Well, isn't it the other way around, you become exciting because you blog?"

So here it is, the Lynn family blog.  Enjoy.  Hopefully?