Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another Inbox Smile

I got another photo in my inbox that was sure to strike a smile.

My sweet Gustopher on the day we got him. 
Awww, what a sweet black bear he was!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life is a blur

My life seems to be moving too fast lately.  So when I receive photos like this in my inbox I get to take a little breather and crack a smile.
Turns out JamesieBoy has always been a closet cowboy. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ol' Boy

He's officially a Texan now.  Congratulations Mr. Lynn, welcome to the club.

"Your boots may be for walkin'; but mine are for kicking your ass."

Friday, January 14, 2011


May your 28th year be spectacular!
I'm so glad you were born.
I love you.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sweet Baby James

Clark found these pictures of Grandmama Lynn loving on baby James.  He was named after her father, James Brittingham.  Wasn't he the cutest baby?  I love these photos. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I need.

I didn't take any time off for the holidays.  And I should have.
I took Christmas Eve and only half of New Years Eve off.  It wasn't enough.  Now, instead of feeling refreshed and ready for the new year, I catch myself looking at my calendar planning a fake beach vacation that I won't take.

Whatchadoing Wednesday

Minor tweak this week. 

We had no where to put our trash/recycling/dog station.  And that desk was stupid.

So James got rid of the desk.

We also went to IKEA and bought $200 worth of stuff... trash cans, hangers, hooks, laundry baskets... etcetera, etcetera, ectetera. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

This is the only photo I have from our New Years Eve celebration. We went to the Gaylord and danced the night away. 

3 am Whataburger has never tasted so good.