Monday, November 29, 2010

28 is going to be great.

My mom sent me this picture today, it made me tear up:

1: It's the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time.
2: At a glance, you might think she was me, she is 28 in this picture.
3: My hair still looks that way in the mornings.
4: My mom scanned this picture all by herself, she's growing up so fast.

What a Holiday!

I can honestly say I lost weight this Thanksgiving holiday.  After having everyone over on Thursday, we began the moving process and I am happy to report at the end of day today, we will only have keys to ONE home.  Thanks to mom and dad for being free slave labor.
The old house was two stories and the new house is four.  My mom and I now have buns of steel. 
I wanted to upload a sweet pic of us in front of our new home, but blogger is being a booger.  Soon, I promise.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh Boy!

I knew it.  I have a knack for these things. 
Now Conman will have a little "Tootiebop" to wrestle with.
We love you G2 and can't wait to meet your sweet face!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Remember a few weeks ago when I was trying to make you vote for a stupid McDonald's contest (seems like I'm making you guys vote a lot lately huh?)?  Well, it was in the midst of us buying our home and honestly, about 24 hours after we submitted the video, we lost interest.  Life was just too busy.  We only voted sporadically and not with a  lot of enthusiasm.
Well, today James got an email saying we were a RUNNER-UP!  Ha!  $100 gift card to McDonald's and a year supply of Dr. Pepper.  Guess who's gaining 10 lbs real soon?!

If you're hungry, give me a call... We'll swing through the drive-thru on Fitzhugh and hook you up with a McNugget or two.

Polls are Closed!

After a grueling day of counting and re-counting, counting and recounting (my math skills are weak)... the voting has ceased. The public wants a GIRL!
Final Count:
Pink 13 - Blue 6
PS: G2... be good tomorrow so we can find out your REAL identity!
PPS: G2... even if you are a boy, we will love you and spoil you just the same.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Who will it be?

Pick one.

P or B

Dear Sir or Madam.

The company of Neatos & Associates is conducting a survey of the utmost importance, and greatly require your participation. Before November 23rd, 2010, I need you to please wear either BLUE or PINK, snap a photograph of yourself wearing the color of your choice and send it to me.

Your color will then be submitted and tabulated as your prediction of the sex of G2 (my sister April's second kiddo). I hope to have all colors and predictions prepared and forecasted prior to the 24th of November. Any sort of photo submission will work: camera, phone, computer, hand drawing... please just send to

We understand your time is very precious, but your participation is vital and if you don't do it, I will slash your tires.

Thank you and please forward on to any others who may have interest in this specific poll. The more applicants, the better the world will be.

Katie Lynn

Neatos & Associates

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

3 Years Strong

Yup, our lil' family is 3 years old today, happy anniversary to us!  And once again embarking on new adventures.  I hope we never run out of adventures.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lookin' Good.

Don't we look completely different?

Today we are bonafide homeowners.

Pictures of the home to come... and many, many, many 'before & afters'.  Let's the sweat equity begin!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

We'd like to give a shout out to our favorite veteran!  SHOUT. 
In case you were wondering, that's you Clark.

Thanks to all those veterans out there.  We owe you one.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


James, Levi and I went up to Stilly this weekend for a good ol' trip down memory lane.  It was the first football game that we've been able to attend since we graduated and since they built the new stadium.  Here's one of the few pics I did take, showing how good our seats were...and how fabulous our Pokes played.

A few things that reminded us that we were back in Stillwater:
1.  Stillwater people are real chatty. 
It made me a little uncomfortable at first.  But I finally realized I wasn't in Dallas anymore Toto, and managed a smile and a courtesy laugh to Chatty McChatterson in the hotel lobby.
2.  Taxi cabs are not of abundance. 
We had the same cab drive 3 times in a row.  Her motto for getting the drunk kids off the strip at 2 am... "Stack 'em and Pack 'em!"
3.  If you want a cab, you must call them (not readily available on the curb)
and you then wait 30 minutes.
4. Smoking indoors still exist. 
Blah, one thing I do not miss.
5.  The wind. 
It actually does come sweeping down the plains.

Oh, Stilly.  You hold a specially little spot in my heart.  I don't miss you, but you still bring me great joy.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


There are some things that without trying, bring me simple joy.  But as of late, I've been a little (a lot) stressed and haven't made a lot of time for those simple things.  But today as I was working, I found this chart and it made me smile and realize that I have to make time for things that I love or I will go crazy (even more so).
I love graphically interesting charts.  I love pure fonts and simplistic palettes.  I love quirky humor.

Thank you stupid chart for making me smile and even a small chuckle.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Alright guys, what would you do for $10,000?  Make a really corny video and ask all your friends to vote for it for a month?  Well, we would. 
Here's the DEAL. 
Go to and vote for James Lynn as the McDonalds Big 12 Fan of the Season.  Winner gets $10,000 for their own fan cave!  Each person gets 10 votes a day, so basically your routine for the next month... check email, check facebook, vote for us!  Use multiple email addresses if you have to!
A friend of ours is in charge of advertisting for McD's and ask us to participate.  Now, we MUST WIN.

Please vote.  Please vote.  Please vote.