Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Congratulations Ro Ro!

This last weekend we hosted a party at the lake house for Dr. Kelly Pulte, Pharm.D. It's very strange to realize one of my closest friends is making major decisions in other people's lives concerning their health. (No pressure Kelly). We are so proud of her. After 20 years of school, we figured it was time for a celebration.

Friday, May 22, 2009

North Texas Food Bank

Yesterday my company worked at the North Texas Food Bank, in South Dallas. In contrast to the Salvation Army day we had at Christmas; I really truly enjoyed this event. Before the actual volunteer day, we had a company wide food drive competition. In total, the employees of Remington donated $30,000 in cash and over 1,000 pounds of food! NTFB figures $1 makes 4 meals and 1.2 lbs equals 1 meal. THAT'S A LOT OF MEALS!!! (My team actually won the competition, so I get to wear jeans on Mondays in June, yipeeeee!) It actually makes me proud of my company. Even with all the cut backs and savings we complain about, the realization that we are far better off than many, really hit home. My department was even able to donated all the money we did not use by not going to the yearly Las Vegas convention, which equaled over 20,000 meals.
My team spent the day sorting donations from local grocery stores into boxes and boxes and more boxes. Basically, if CVS, Wal-Mart, Krogers, ect., has damaged cans, melted items, or "expired" food, they donate it all to the food bank. And like many of us already know, these items are still totally safe to consume. It was nice to get out from behind the computer and physically work. Although finding the random exploded mayonnaise jar was not my favorite part of the day. Another team put together backpacks of food for kiddos to take home on the weekends.
I must give kudos to the North Texas Food Bank though. They've been doing this for quite some time and have taken serious measures to make sure the right people are getting fed. And unlike so many other charities they are focused on their local community, rather than remote villages on multiple continents. If you get the chance, take a look at their website.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh, how I love thee.

For some reason, when I find images online that I love, I just save them. No reason. But I noticed this morning, my fondness for sculpted wood pieces is becoming an obsession. I absolutely love them, they make my heart go pitter pat. The talent and detail it takes to craft these pieces of art is extraordinary. Will you buy me one?

Kickball Frenzy.

Not only did we win kickball again last night (we are 4-1 in the season), but we won with our pitcher in a leg cast.
Booyah. Go Pink!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Robert Randolph and the Family Band

Last night James and I went to the Richardson Wildflower Festival with our friend Kristin to see Robert Randolph and the Family Band. RR was first introduced to us at Austin City Limits and has since become one of those bands we just love to watch live. We don't recommend buying the CD, it's just not the same. But if you ever get a chance to watch them jam out on a Sunday night with perfect weather... we definitely recommend it.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I saw this cute lil' home online and it made me sigh. Someday I'll have a home of my own... someday.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Do you ever get that feeling someone is watching you.
Everytime James does this, it totally creeps me out. The worst is when I am trying to have a serious conversation with him and he just stares at me with the one eye.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Close the GAP

Right now at work we are having a food drive for the North Texas Food Bank and their new campaign, Close the GAP. In North Texas there is a 29 million meal gap between what people need – 3 meals per day – and what they can currently access. And the NTFB is trying to close that gap. On May 21st we will actually work at the food bank helping distribute food to local YMCA's, churches and soup kitchens. And in the mean time, we are having a friendly food drive competition. We've been split into teams with goals and prizes (jeans on a Monday for a month!). If you've got any extra cans laying around the house... send them my way, I love jeans! Go Team Food Fighters, fight hunger (and Monday slacks)!