Since it's almost three weeks away from our fabulous vacation... James and I thought maybe we should start planning it. We went on a couple of blog sites and realized many people on our cruise started planning MONTHS ago, uhhh I guess we're a little behind the ball. (What else would you expect from the Lynns, but a little procrastination.) So we are hitting the pavement hard and getting all our reservations in order this week. Since this is my first (well second if you count the Caribbean) international vacation, I'm a little clueless. There are so many things to do and the prices vary so much! Do we go on an excursion with the cruise ship, an independent company, by ourselves or do we just wing it and hope we meet some people on the cruise that want to tour with us? There's a lot of decisions to be made!
Besides the cruise, we are spending two extra days in Barcelona. We've actually already got a hotel for that (pat on the back).
And it's really cool.
Now if we can just figure out the other 7 days.....
Any suggestions, great car companies, excursion tours? Here are the cities we are still trying to figure out our best options....
Naples, Rome, Cannes, Florence